
Resident Testimony

Emma has a NEW LIFE in Christ this Easter!

“I turned to alcohol to numb the pain of isolation. Eventually it became an addiction.”

From a young age, Emma was on her own. “My dad was always working and my mom struggled with mental health. Basically, I raised myself,” she says. “I liked to be in the streets, just trying to find something to do outside of the house.”

Feeling alone and uncared for, she turned to alcohol to numb the pain of her isolation. Eventually, her struggles worsened into addiction. “I did not want to feel anything. I have always believed in God, but I lost faith a little bit.”

Emma knew she needed help. She couldn’t return to her childhood home and didn’t have anywhere else to turn. That’s when she came to the Rescue Mission, looking for support. As soon as she arrived, she knew this place was different. A month later, she gave birth to her son, Legacy.

“There was a lot of love here. It made me feel at home. I felt safe.”

As part of the life recovery program, Emma attends life-skills classes, bringing her newborn son with her. After a maternity leave period, she will return to the housekeeping role at the Rescue Mission where she served while pregnant. 

“God brought me here for a reason – to grow up, get some stability, and finally work on myself.”

Thanks to your support, Emma is on a path for independence with the tools she needs to create a hopeful future for her young family.

This Easter, Emma is experiencing God’s gift of new life! Thank you for empowering her to follow Christ’s calling in her life. “Now, I am healing with God’s help.”

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