
Resident Testimony

Thank you for giving Aundrea a life-changing gift!

I have turned over a new leaf compared to who I was on the first day of the program.

Before I turned to drugs, my life and childhood seemed normal to me. My parents divorced when I was two years old; both served in the military. Although my mom faced challenges, she worked hard to provide me with a good life. My journey into drug use began in my twenties when I started taking pain pills, which was triggered by a relationship that I left because it became abusive. I left that man and moved to a new state, where I rekindled a relationship with my middle school sweetheart. We were together for 8 years and had two children together. During that time, I hid my addiction to pills. He tried to help me, but over time, I fell into a deeper cycle of addiction, experimenting with a variety of drugs. Despite us having two children together, I eventually chose drugs over my family.

On February 27, 2024, when I was arrested and jailed, I was greeted by the Chaplain, who offered me applications and opportunities to go to rehab. By God’s grace, I was quickly accepted at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia. I had been fleeing charges against me since 2020. I had multiple Superior Court bench warrants and faced various charges, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies, including drug possession, drug possession with intent to sell, gun charges, and shoplifting. After evading these charges for so long, this was the first time I would be sentenced for a crime. Until my sentencing, my record had been clean.

On June 18, 2024, the court ran all my cases concurrently, sentencing me to 40 years of probation and mandating my attendance at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia. If I did not go there, I would face prison time. The judge expressed his disappointment, calling me an embarrassment and stating that my actions were disgraceful. He also voiced his concern for my children, fearing they would turn out like their mother. He admitted that he believed I would not complete rehab, as most people do not.

I was close to not taking this program seriously and not utilizing the tools and resources given to me to fix and heal successfully. I needed to allow Christ to work my trauma out and help me find the deep-rooted wounds that I did not know I had. Eventually, I put God above everything else, including my kids and myself. Knowing that if I put Him first, all else will fall into place. I started seeking God wholeheartedly and trusting Him to do things beyond my control. I started watching Him change my heart’s desires for things that were not of Him. I have joy and peace, which makes me desire the things from the past even less, because I want Him.

I have turned over a new leaf compared to who I was on the first day of the program. I am open and strive to be as honest as possible. I want to share with others the incredible things God has been doing in my life. I am disciplined in giving Him the time He deserves and in dedicating myself to what He asks of me.

Although I still struggle with my thoughts and the way I express myself at times, God is sanctifying me daily in these areas.

Thinking and speaking in ways that do not honor Him has become less desirable to me each day because the Holy Spirit convicts me about it. I try to be open about my struggles, seek forgiveness, and be a good example to the other women in our community. I hope they can see how real God is through the restoration He brings to our lives.

After graduating from the program, I want to continue working on renewing and restoring the relationships I lost with my children and family. My kids have received God’s salvation, and during our conversations, they share their experiences with Him and recite scriptures to me. I have learned that when I stand firm in God’s righteousness, He answers my prayers in profound ways, one of which is the salvation of my children. Knowing that they will spend eternity with me brings me great comfort. This understanding helps me to live in total surrender, placing my complete trust in Him. While I am unsure of what the future holds, I am excited about it, because I believe that God has great plans in store for me.

During my time at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia, I have learned valuable tools that will help me succeed in the journey God has planned for me. One of the most important lessons is to love others well. I strive to live a life of humility and understand the importance of patience, by choosing my battles wisely. I’ve realized that holding my tongue can lead to better outcomes than reverting to my old habits. I must put God first, as trust and faith in Him are essential. Not every action requires a reaction; instead, I should respond with love and consider what others may be going through. Ultimately, I aim to ensure that everything I do brings glory to God.

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