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I’m finally able to look at myself with the eyes of grace… Chaos and pain found Stephanie early in life when she was sexually abused by a close relative at the age of five. The abuse went on for five years. When she confided in her mother, she didn’t believe
Thank you for loving your neighbor, Steven, and giving him hope for the future! Steven was born into a world of chaos. “I’ve seen a lot of violence from an early age,” he says. “Fighting and using drugs and alcohol… In my family, it became a normal way of life.”
Megan is thankful for the grace everyone has extended her! We can all heal together! If you had asked me to describe my life eight months ago, I would have said something like, “My dad killed himself. My mother never recovered from her addictions. I was bounced between homes and
The Rescue Mission has change Robbie’s life for the better Thank you to those who have impacted his life! My name is Robbie O’Neal, and this is the story of my recovery. I come from a broken home. My parents divorced when I was around 3 years of age. My
Thank you for giving Sarah a new beginning.Because of you, she has joy in her heart this Easter! Darkness, fear, and shame haunted Sarah for most of her life. From the ages of 5 to 14 she suffered beatings and abuse at the hands of her father. At times, she
“No Longer Hiding” My dysfunctional childhood started when I was about six or seven years old. We lived in a nice middle-class apartment home where my brother and I would split a beer with our dad. As we got older, we would sneak alcohol from the glasses of the adults
“I HAVE A NEW START” My name is Teresa Simmons, I was born in Quitman, Georgia in 1981. The pain and struggles in my life started very early because by the time I was six years old I had been molested twice. To dull the pain I started experimenting with
“I turned my back on God a long time ago… I was broken.” There were never enough hours in the day for Tracey. She worked and took care of her two children alone. She made sure the bills were paid and that her kids had everything they needed, but she
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